COMPASS - Communicating: Managing paediatric anxiety and stress with simulation

Compass provides candidates with the unique opportunity to explore patient anxiety through focus lectures and simulation scenarios. The course examines the challenges that anxiety can present in everyday practice; providing candidates with relevant, practical strategies that can be implemented to  support patients who experience procedural anxiety. We welcome all clinical staff who work within Paediatric Theatres as well as Pre and Post-Operative care settings

Candidates can expect to;

  • Gain the knowledge and skills required to recognise and effectively respond to patient anxiety
  • Rehearse practical strategies to support the anxious patient; navigating the associated challenges alongside fellow members of the multidisciplinary team
  • Enhance practice in communication techniques to support management of the anxious patient  
  • Increase awareness of current legal and ethical issues that surround patient anxiety
  • Recognise the potential impact of poorly managed procedural anxiety

Online Registration Form