Great Ormond Street Hospital Asthma Module

We are excited to offer a specialist asthma module covering a wide range of topics primarily we will look at the application of lung function testing to the diagnosis and management of paediatric asthma. 

This will benefit those who have attended a paediatric spirometry course and would like to learn more about the relevance in their clinical practice. 

The course encompasses a multidisciplinary approach to the patient care pathway in an asthma service and will include sessions from an asthma clinical nurse specialists, paediatric respiratory consultants, and paediatric physiologists. 

This module will be delivered via MS teams on 26th June 2-5.30pm.

The content will cover 

  • - Making a diagnosis of asthma
  • - Lung function tests and how they are applied to patients in an asthma service (FeNO, Skin prick testing, Exercise induced asthma)
  • - Inhaler technique, adherence to asthma treatment/other monitoring
  • - Avoidance to triggers
  • - Ongoing monitoring of patients, applying tests in practice
  • - Considering tertiary referral
  • - Case studies 

Finishing with Q&A

Target audience:

  • - General paediatricians and trainees with an interest in asthma 
  • - Nurses working with asthma patients
  • - Physiologists and Allied Health Professionals with an interest in asthma

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