Emergencies in General Paediatrics - 28th February 2025

If there are no more places, please click here to be added to the waiting list


This course aims to prepare any doctor who works with children to recognise and manage common general paediatric emergencies that they may encounter throughout their training, whether working at GOSH or in a non-specialist centre. The fully immersive simulation experience is designed to explore both the technical and human factors required to deliver safe and effective patient care.  

Learning outcomes:  

By the end of this course, you will be able to:  

  • Recognise an acutely unwell paediatric patient 

  • Appropriately escalate concerns to obtain senior support  

  • Work within in a team to follow advanced life support guidelines and initiate urgent medical treatment  

Who should apply: All healthcare workers looking after paediatric patients

Venue: Clinical Simulation Centre, Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Foundation Trust, Great Ormond Street, London, WC1N 3JH

Cost: Free for GOSH staff 


Dr Linda Chigaru

Consultant Intensivist, Specialty Lead for CATS, Consultant Paediatric Anaesthetist, Educational Lead for Clinical Simulation | Great Ormond Street Hospital
Contact Details: 

Course contact:  

If you’d like any further information or have any difficulties in signing up, please email Simulation@gosh.nhs.uk  


Cancellation Policy:

Delegates are entitled to a full refund if they cancel their place more than 14 days before an event or if we have to cancel the event. Delegates cancelling under 14 days before the event will be charged a fee (currently 50% of the ticket price). All delegate cancellation requests must be provided in writing to simulation@gosh.nhs.uk. Personal arrangements including travel, accommodation or hospitality relating to the event which have been arranged by you are at your own risk. The GLA shall not be liable for the cost of these arrangements if you cancel your place at an event or if the event is cancelled or postponed by the GLA.

 Booking form privacy notice:

The personal data you provide to us on the event booking form is being collected so that we can contact you with important updates about the event, process your payment, notify event partners or individuals shaping the event about the delegate list (only your name, email address, job title and/or organisation will be shared) and to pass on an evaluation survey after the event. Your data will only be used by the GLA for this purpose and the data will be securely deleted in line with GOSH’s data retention policies. This privacy information does not apply to the processing of your personal data by the booking platform Participant UK Ltd., which will be governed by their privacy policy. If you have any questions about how we process your personal data, please contact Your.Data@gosh.nhs.uk
