Paediatric Critical Care - Neonatal

Neonatal Intensive Care will take place on the following dates: 28th April, 29th April, 30th April, 1st May and  2nd May 2025 All dates must be attended.

28th April to 2nd May 2025

These modules are relevant for GRID, SPIN and all multi-professional colleagues with an interest or career aspirations in neonatal intensive care.

These 5 day modules are taught at MSc level and form part of the UCL / GOSH MSc Advanced Paediatrics Programme. External candidates are invited to apply to study separate modules alongside the MSc students.

Content is matched to UK and global PICM curricula, aiming to provide much of the knowledge and understanding required to undertake the EPIC DIPLOMA (European Paediatric/Neonatal Intensive Care; ESPNIC – European Society of Paediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care).

Neonatal Intensive Care Module:

Module Directors: Professor Howard Clark and Dr Rose Crowley (University College London Hospital)

The module is designed for those working in both Neonatal Intensive Care Units and Local Neonatal Units. It would be particularly suitable for those planning to undertake the RCPCH Grid training or Special Interest Module in Neonatal Medicine.

Topics include:

• Ventilation strategies for term and preterm infants

• Management options for PDA

• Inotropic support

• Necrotising enterocolitis (NEC): prevention and management

• Surgical conditions affecting the GI tract

• Neonatal encephalopathy and neuroprotection

• Preterm brain injury

• Long term outcomes of Neonatal Care

• Fetal medicine: the role of the Neonatologist

• Human factors and crisis resource management in neonatal resuscitation

• Ethical dilemmas in the Neonatal Unit

As part of registering for this course you are also required to complete the following link:


Online Registration Form

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