Great Ormond Street Hospital Ophthalmic Visiting Professor Day
Friday 8 November 2024, 9:00-17:00
Hallam Conference Centre, London
Course Director: Prof Chris Lloyd, Consultant Ophthalmologist and Clinical Lead, Dept Ophthalmology, GOSH
Event overview:
The Visiting Professor's Day is a well-established GOSH Ophthalmology Unit tradition (dormant during the pandemic).
It is all day postgraduate educational event aimed at those working with children with ophthalmic disorders including (but not exclusive to) Ophthalmologists, Orthoptists, Optometrists, Vision Scientists and academics. It will feature presentations from the GOSH ophthalmic and vision science team as well as talks from excellent external speakers including prominent "Visiting Professors" including Susmito Biswas (Cystinosis and the eye) Jane Ashworth (Advances in the ophthalmic management of the Mucopolysccharidoses) and Patrick Watts (Ophthalmic features of NAI; new RCOphth guidance).
Learning outcomes:
There will be 4 broad themes to the day:
- Paediatric retina including ROP/NAI
- Ophthalmic genetics/gene therapy
- Metabolic disease and the eye
- Paediatric Neuro-ophthalmology/Motility
Delegates will thus be updated on developments in each of these areas - illustrated by didactic lectures and interactive case presentations.
The preliminary programme is here: Visiting Professor Day Programme.pdf
Who should attend?
Health professionals, and interested students, working with children with ophthalmic disorders including (but not exclusive to) Ophthalmologists, Orthoptists, Optometrists, Vision Scientists and academics.
Event pricing:
- £100 Consultants, SAS Doctors
- £75 Trainee doctors
- £50 AHPs (Orthoptists, Optometrists, Nursing staff)
- £30 Students – N.B. 5 places are available
- Free for GOSH staff (please use your GOSH email address when booking)
Includes lunch and morning & afternoon refreshments
Please email if you need to pay via invoice through your Trust/organisation.
Please note that registration will close on Friday 25 October, 17.00
CPD accreditation:
RCOphth CPD approval is being applied for. Where approved, the basic unit of CPD activity is 1 hour of learning equals 1 CPD credit. Please note that CPD accreditation is not yet confirmed; details about accreditation will be updated as soon as possible.
Please note that this event is not being recorded
Graphic courtesy of Dr C Kilduff – ophthalmologist and graphic artist