CATS Stabilisation and Transport
Simulation Course
Please note: If GOSH places are full, please email to be added to the waitlist, as it is likely a place will become available.
Course Bio:
The course begins with an overview of the principles of the initial resuscitation and stabilisation of the critically ill child before moving to 5 immersive high-fidelity simulations.
Learning Objectives:
- To facilitate attendees recognising the common presentations of critically ill children
- To allow attendees to rehearse the initial stabilisation of these common presentations
- To facilitate attendees in practicing the teamworking and communication skills required to successfully resuscitate a critically ill child
Who should apply:
Paediatrics Consultants, Paediatrics Registrars, Anaesthesia consultants, anaesthesia registrars, nurses, ODP/anaesthesia nurses
27th September 2024 08:30 - 17:00
Clinical Simulation Centre
Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Foundation Trust
Great Ormond Street, London, WC1N 3JH
Course Lead:
Dr Linda Chigaru | CATS Consultant Intensivist | Specialty Lead for CATS | Consultant Paediatric Anaesthetist | Educational Lead for Clinical Simulation | Great Ormond Street Hospital
For queries, please contact:
£200 - Nurses / ODP / Registrars
£300 - Consultants
Payment can be made online below or via invoice.